Moving to 24 7 shift patterns
Our experts briefly explore some of the considerations around moving to 24 7 shift patterns to enable continuous operations.
A 3-step guide to changing shift patterns
This 3-step guide will help you maximise the benefits of changing shift patterns by following a proven and robust process.
12 hour shift patterns Vs 8 hour shift patterns
In this article our shift work experts briefly look at the pros and cons of both 12 hour shift patterns and 8 hour shift patterns.
Shift Patterns over Perks
Our experts look at how offering a choice of shift patterns can support recruitment and retention efforts in highly competitive labour markets.
Shift Pattern Examples
This article provides detail around some of the most well-known shift pattern examples that will provide 24 hour coverage for your continuous operational environment.
4 on 4 off – A closer look
Some of the common questions we’re asked by organisations either looking to introduce 4 on 4 off or wanting to adopt best practice around how these shift patterns are planned and managed.
Manufacturing Shift Patterns
An article touching on some of the key themes around developing optimised manufacturing shift schedules to support planning in diverse production environments.